If you need more business, come and learn about

Patriots Networking Group

We’re looking for business professionals interested in making more $$$!

visit a meeting and get to know us better

Join now before your competitor does!

Started in January 1985 by Dr. Ivan R. Misner, Founder & Chairman of BNI. BNI provides a positive, supportive, and structured environment for men and women to further their business through referral marketing.

Networking requires commitment. The most successful chapters of BNI are comprised of participants who are sincerely committed to helping one another through networking. They are a team. As a participant in BNI, you are responsible for complying with the policies and guidelines of the organization*.

(*) Note: In the event that BNI’s general rules could potentially violate a professional’s ethical code, the professional’s ethics code shall govern.

As of June 2021 we are meeting in person again!

Check out the videos below!

17th Anniversary

BNI Patriots

BNI Visitor Orientation

Sales Manager Minute



BNI is so much more than a meeting. It is an environment where like-minded people work together as a team to make each and every member grow, shine and soar into greatness